
Life is like an unbalanced wheel

That wobbles down the road

Sometimes left sometimes right

Only God knows where it goes


Our road has many potholes

We avoid all that we can

But truly there are many

We do not understand


Those spokes are family members

We love with all our heart

To travel life together

And never be apart


Our wheel had 8 a while ago

But now there’s only 7

One of our spokes has gone before

To meet us all in Heaven


We balance life the best we can

With spokes that fill our wheel

But sometimes life has other plans

That gives a wobbly feel


Our wheel is out of balance

As it wobbles on from here

But God’s grace is sufficient

And our mission is still clear


We run our race with thankful hearts

And know we’re not alone

One day that wheel will wobble on

And finally take us home

 Paul E. Tsika


My daddy wrote this for Mark 6 days after he passed on to Glory. I thought today would be an appropriate day to share it. 3 years seems to have gone by so quickly but that just means I am just a bit closer to seeing him and meeting Jesus face to face.

Confident in His love

Isaiah 54:10 


counting my blessings


that day