Have you ever had a moment that just made you stop and not know what to do? A moment that almost stops you where you are, and you can’t breathe? A moment where you want to just shut the world off and try to figure it out because you are in a moment of anxiousness or even fear? I can say that throughout all my 57 years that I’ve not really had a lot of those in my life. A moment of anxiety that made it hard to think, to breathe. I believe we all have had a moment or two if we are honest.
I’m not talking about anxiety like those who struggle with that as part of their daily life; that are imbalances in the body that affect all kinds of things that someone goes through. I know it can be a real daily struggle for some. I have a precious niece who struggles with this, and it’s been most of her lifetime. She shares her struggles with others and is a valuable help to many.
I’m talking about the moments that are quick to come and usually quick to pass. Wednesday was one of those. I am OK, but it made me stop and realize how much I depend on the Lord to give me peace and help me through times of anxiety/even a moment of fear or questioning. I have been in the process of getting some new health insurance. Man, there are a lot! Thankfully, I have someone who can look in the marketplace and find some plans that might work for Meagan and me. Who wants to pay more for something that you might be able to get for a much better price? I certainly don’t want to. I am learning to be a better steward of the money that God has given me, so I wanted to switch. Anyway, back to the story! As I’m on the phone in the middle of doing this Wednesday, trying to make the final decision, give the guy my information and do everything that involves, I almost had a breakdown. I had to quit talking for a moment because I felt like I was in over my head and trying to breathe underwater. Now, I have been going over all of this for a couple of months, so it wasn’t a shock that I was having to make these decisions. It has been a process, so I knew it was coming. I guess for me it is still making some crucial decisions on my own even after three years of Mark being gone. Mark always took care of the crucial things. Now it is my turn!
I know I’m a smart woman and can make a decision. I don’t know why I doubt, but I think it’s just overwhelming at times. I don’t think, I know it’s overwhelming at times. I believe the lesson for me on Wednesday was to trust myself, and trust that I had done the research and asked questions. I knew that if there was a red or yellow flag, I would not do something. When I’m not sure, I know that there are those who are always willing to help and offer advice. I am trying to do some things on my own because I know I’m not always going to have somebody that I can talk to or get advice from, at least in my mind I say that. Man being a grown-up sometimes is not very fun!
In that moment on Wednesday, as hard as it was, I got through it. I had to pause for a moment, take a deep breath, ask God to give me a peace and then move forward. I know there will be more moments, but I also know that with the Lord by my side and directing me, I will make it through them.
Philippians 4:6-7 says; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. I have this verse memorized and it has gotten me through many moments of anxiety, fear, doubt, and questioning.
What are you facing today that the Lord can give you peace about? He can, if you ask!
Confident in His love
Isaiah 54:10